Study visit to Arts Agency “ArtScape”: Series of introductory events about cultural rights with Lithuanian organisations

Invitation for EHU students: a series of introductory events about cultural rights with Lithuanian organisations. And here is the first one!

 We are pleased to announce a series of discussions and workshops that are designed to dive into the topic of cultural rights, its components, role and place in the society. Together with Lithuanian and international experts under the project “Vilnius Heritage as a Space for the Implementation of Cultural Rights” we will investigate the following questions

  • How to establish “ecological” relationships between cultural groups? 
  • How to ensure their right to participate in cultural resource management? 
  • How to make cultural heritage sustainable and inclusive? 
  • What should the relationship be between rights holders and duty bearers? 

The first study visit happens to Arts Agency “ArtScape” is a Lithuanian NGO, who aim at improving access to culture and interaction between communities. Working in collaboration with artists, local communities and sensitive society groups they nurture self-expression, active participation in society matters and seek social solutions. Since 2015 “ArtScape” implements their mission through Creative Missions, Mentorship Programs and organising one of the biggest festivals in Vilnius “World Refugee Day”. 

This is a perfect opportunity to get acquainted with the organisation, get to know the details of their work and learn about the possibilities to join the programs. Your participation is highly valued!

The study visit happens on 27 May 13:00 at Arts Agency “ArtScape”, Vytenio g. 22 

Language of the event is English.

Due to limited availability, we kindly ask interested students to register in advance. Please complete the short registration form here.

The research “Vilnius Heritage as a Space for the Implementation of Cultural Rights” is part of the project “Human Rights Literacy for the Belarusian Civic Society,” sponsored by the U.S. Government.
